
governance & management

A key aspect of any project is sound governance and management. The expectations placed on community projects has become increasingly complex and without a solid and robust foundation it is difficult to attract the investment required for projects to move forward. Through detailed project analysis we develop clear and concise project plans in partnership with groups to develop a clear vision on how projects can be be delivered.

funding plans & applications

With over 20 years of experience in the field of funding, our consultants have a proven track record in securing funds to deliver a wide range of projects across communities.

business & feasibility studies

Business planning and feasibility studies are crucial in securing funding from external agencies. A sound business case is a must for projects and most funding bodies will require this as a condition of supporting any project. If agencies are to invest a sound operational business plan is required to demonstrate projects are sustainable and any investment is safe.

capital project development

We work closely with our clients to develop realistic development plans. One of the key mistakes projects often make at the outset is developing a vision that is not deliverable. At Germinal, we will be honest as to what can realistically be achieved given that the public purse is becoming smaller and the demands on this ever-increasing.